Hi Group,
At my company we are interfacing ECC production orders with ME shop orders. In our routing operations for these production orders we have defined control key PP02, as prescribed by SAP. When we perform a shop order confirmation at an ME operation it is reported back to the ECC operation. However we can perform confirmation to the operations in ME in any order, which means the confirmations back to ECC occur in any order. It was my understanding that with a PP02 control key operations could be performed in any order AND for any quantity. Multiple operations for an order are being worked on at the same time, but we're occasionally getting errors because a previous operation has confirmed less quantity and a subsequent operation. It was my understanding that with a PP02 control key I could perform confirmations, regardless of quantity, in any order I wanted, but that is not consistent with what I'm seeing. Is there an unwritten rule in ECC that even with a PP02 control key that a subsequent operation cannot confirm more quantity than the previous operation has confirmed?