Actually customer send it back the component due to xyz reason. so i create customer return sale order with reference to previous sales order. now the return material is in my storage location in quality
Our process is related to MTO senorio
Please suggest me how to complete the process and after rework we need to return back to the same customer
Component A (fert -finished material)
Component b c d (HALB- semi finished material)
Here to make component A i need component B C D
After Quality inspection B is ok and C and D should be rework
I was getting stuck with goods movement with reference to return sales order.
If i create rework order for C and D in CO07 with refer to reference operation set and assigned with component in operation wise
No while i confirm the operation in CO11n the system error is triggering like goods movement is failed.
I know there there is no material in stock with refers to that sale order
How to solve this error regards goods issue for order and this should be consume from customer return component