Actually i am sap pp consultant
My scenario is MTO process
I create Sales order and i run the mrp with reference to sales order in MD50
Now the system created the planned order
Now the issue is my customer need that separately handle the process after mrp run
so i suggest use t-code MD4C so that u can easily convert all proposal with reference to sales order
BUT while doing in MD4C other sales order is remain their. Is there any solution to handle separately
I have Sales order number 1) 123456
2) 123465
3) 123654
I have three sales order as mentioned above. i run mrp in MD50
Now i need to convert planned order to prd ord (OR) pld ord to pr
If i go to MD4C
in left most side Right most side
Under this all sub component is visible Sales order number 123654
Pld Ord 1000005000
But the thing is other sales order is also remain their.